Han dynasty officer hanfu
New Citation Alert added! You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited. To manage your alert preferences, click on the button below. Hanfu, which embodies the exceptional artistry of dying, weaving, and embroidery, is the emblematic traditional garment of Han nationality in China. AbstractImmersive technologies have the potential to significantly improve the way of presenting cultural heritage storytelling and conveying the results of the archaeological research to a wide generalist audience. We present the design and implementation of a virtual graveyard accessible through an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience. However, traditional chinese clothing hanfu there is a lack of convenient and immersive promotion methods for Hanfu. View or Download as a PDF file. Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution to get full access on this article. View online with eReader. Please download or close your previous search result export first before starting a new bulk export. By clicking download,a status dialog will open to start the export process. Preview is not available. You may continue to browse the DL while the export process is in progress. The process may takea few minutes but once it finishes a file will be downloadable from your browser. We will inform you here when the file is ready. Your file of search results citations is now ready. Your search export query has expired.
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By enlae
- 7, Dec, 2024